Greedy teacher
Edith was seen as a conniving, greedy woman.───人们认为伊迪丝是一个诡计多端的贪婪女人。
I had noticed with greedy eyes a stout gentleman reading the Atlantic.───我看见一个身强力壮的绅士,专心致志地在阅读《大西洋》月刊.
The greedy madam stopped at nothing to gain profit.───贪婪的老鸨为了攫取利润无所不为.
Putting it bluntly, the college is a place to be greedy.───直截了当地说, 大学是一个令人向往的地方.
She is greedy for success.───她渴望成功.
Attorneys have become so greedy in India that they don't want to do any good work.───印度的律师已经变得如此贪婪,以至于他们都不愿意做些有益的事儿.
He's not hungry; he's just greedy.───他不饿, 只是贪吃而已.
He is a greedy little boy.───他是一个贪吃的小男孩.