Gentle rain
Patients may not receive the tender, loving care once associated with a hospital stay.───病人们可能享受不到以前住院时那种悉心体贴的照顾。
It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender.───这块肉很好,又瘦又嫩。
Cook for a minimum of 2 hours, or until the meat is tender.───至少煮两个小时,或一直煮到肉变烂为止。
He was warm and tender towards her.───他对她既热情又温柔。
These eggs boiled too tender.───这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了.
We were sent to boarding school at a tender age.───很小的时候我们就被送到了寄宿学校.
He had become attracted to the game at the tender age of seven.───他在7岁的小小年纪就喜欢上了这项运动。
As spring approaches, the trees begin to send forth tender buds.───春天一近, 树上长出了嫩叶.