Get in the way of
The students occupied the Administration Block.───学生占领行政大楼.
The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.───显然,这个声明的目的是要警告首尔不要尝试再次阻拦委员会的行动。
Tell me where you've been out so late, or I'll knock your block off.───告诉我你到哪儿去了,这么晚才回来, 不说我就揍死你.
He walked around the block three times.───他绕着这个街区走了3圈。
Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.───在底片上把图像上部的这个不重要的细节涂抹掉.
Since they moved to this block , the two families have remained at daggers'drawn.───这两家自从搬到这个街区来之后,关系一直十分紧张.
Her fifth child was born, a son who Sally at first thought was another chip off the old block.───她的第5个孩子降生了,是个儿子;刚开始,萨莉以为这孩子又是跟他父亲一个模子。
Block draughts around doors and windows.───挡住门窗处的穿堂风。