Gift bank
赠行───Gift bank
Parents give a piggy bank gift to children as a wish that saving habitual will make them prosperous as symbolized by pig.───父母给孩子们一个小猪存钱罐,希望节省的习惯能使他们像小猪一样兴旺。
Reluctant to risk their lives by visiting a bank, many subscribers transferred money to each other by passing on the serial Numbers of scratch CARDS charged with credit, like gift vouchers.───用户们不愿冒着生命危险去银行,而是通过传送类似于礼品券,记有存款的刮刮卡上的系列号来转移钱财。
I've long believed that it was a gift of the financial crisis that most of my 2007 analyst class at a global bank were laid off.───我2007届分析师班的大部分同学都被一家全球银行解雇了,而我一直以来都相信这是一个金融危机带来的礼物。