Give me a squeak
When I entered the room, Little Tom gave a startled squeak.───我进屋的时候, 小汤姆吓了一跳哇哇地哭了.
Starting from birth, dolphins squawk, whistle, click, and squeak.───从出生开始, 海豚就会发出瓜瓜声,哨音, 咔嗒声和吱吱声.
I heard the familiar squeak of my husband's brakes as he pulled into the drive.───我听到熟悉的吱吱声,那是老公汽车的刹车声,他将汽车驶入了车道.
He hears a roar where others hear only a squeak.───他听到的一声大吼对于别人只是尖细的叫唤.
He gave an outraged squeak.───他愤怒地发出一声急促的尖叫。
When I blow my nose, my ears squeak.───当我擤鼻子时, 耳朵里有吱吱声.
Be responsible for analyzing and curing all squeak and rattle issues.───负责分析并解决全部震荡噪声问题.
These new shoes squeak.───新鞋子走起路来咯吱咯吱地响.
My new shoes squeak.