go back on one's word
The sweat glands secrete water.───汗腺分泌汗液。
My shirt was clammy with sweat.───我的衬衣沾满了汗,又粘又湿。
He woke up soaked with sweat.───他醒了,浑身大汗淋漓。
There was sudden sweat on his forehead, but he forced his face and his voice to be calm as he stepped to the side of the bed.───突然,他的额头直冒冷汗,但他极力使自己的脸和声音保持镇静。
There was a general body of her sweat, if not for the U Da Lielie like this character, and we never know, the original I and her sisters.───她的身上总有一股汗味,如果不是因为U这样子大咧咧的性格,我们永远都不知道,原来I和她是姐妹。
Maura was grinning at him, pulling sections of his hair through her fingers, her face damp with sweat but not at all sleepy.───莫雅咧嘴向他笑,手指拨弄他的头发。她的脸上汗水淋淋,但是没有丝毫的睡意。
No sweet without some sweat.
What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret.
They say a good sweat will cure a cold.
A ground sweat cures all disorders.
Their bodies were soaked in sweat.