Go into nature and be healthier
The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature.───秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然的人们的宠爱.
Nature seems to be wakened from a dead sleep.───大自然似乎从沉睡中被唤醒了.
He was by nature affectionate.───他生性温柔亲切。
laws of nature are absolute.───自然规律是绝对确凿的。
Karl Marx's books about human nature exhausted this subject.───卡尔.马克思的有关人性的书籍对此问题阐述极为详尽.
Nature is a whole.───自然界是一个统一体.
Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.───弄虚作假并非他的本性。
His was a utopian vision of nature in its purest form.───他对大自然怀有一种极为纯粹的乌托邦式看法。