He looks cold
is widespread apathy among the electorate.───选民普遍态度冷淡。
They told me about isolation and public apathy.───他们向我讲述了孤立感与公众的冷漠。
Apathy is the long-standing curse of democracy.───冷漠是民主的长期祸根。
He had, withal, the invalid's apathy and did not greatly concern himself about the uncommon fate that had been allotted to him.───此外,他和所有病人一样的冷漠,并不是非常关心自己不同寻常的命运。
After long conflicts, the second set of elections is often a story of unrealistic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy.───在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。
We may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all---the apathy of human beings.───世间大部分不幸也许都有补救之方,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。