Here are some videos
Videotape a performance of the advertisement to view for yourselves.───从表演的广告录像带看自己的表现.
There is nothing to stop viewers from recording the films on videotape.───没有办法阻止观众用录像带录下电影。
The TV people came to videotape the market!───电视台的人来鲜货市场录制节目来哩.
This videotape was shot four months before September 11.───这盘录音带是在9.11事件前四个月拍摄的.
They said using digital equipment was faster, and videotape is much less costly than film.───他们认为,使用电子设备拍摄速度快, 并且录像带的成本要比胶片低得多.
Rotary will then send the videotape directly to the TV station.───扶轮于是会将这个录影带直接寄送到该电视台.
I watched a slow-motion videotape replay of his fall.───我看了他跌倒时的慢动作录像回放。
We hire a photographer to videotape every detail of your happy day.───我们会请照相师把你们快乐日子全程的每一个细节都拍录下来.
Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week's programme.