Here are the requirements
According to contract execution requirement, corresponding delivery on site.───根据合同执行的需要, 进行现场协调.
The family sent her as this peculiar way as her requirement.───家里人按照她的要求,就以这种别开生面的方式将她送走了.
The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty.───对工作许可证的要求违反了1950年条约的精神。
What is the minimum entrance requirement for this course?───这个学程的基本入学条件是什么?
The tests indicate that the static strength and modal meet the design requirement.───试验表明,车体的静强度和模态满足设计要求.
The gender is fond of the environment of warm, wet, half shade, requirement humus is rich.───性喜暖和.湿润. 半阴的环境, 要求腐殖质丰富.
Image sensor has special requirement in image processing, which aims to get the optimal visual effect.───其产生的图像作为一种影像产品,对图像处理有其特殊的要求, 并以视觉效果最佳为其主要目的.
Create purchasing contract or order base on project requirement and release to vendor timely.───基于项目的需求生成采购合同或订单并及时的传达供应商.
Our unit can design andto order on the spot to the requirement of customer.───我单位可以根据客户的要求设计,现场定做.
Based on particular analyze of requirement of pollution charge collection operation flow, function modules are designed.───对用户需求的详细分析后,设计了总量排污收费软件的各功能模块.
Your requirement that she wait till next week is reasonable.