Despite his heterodoxy, faults, and weaknesses, he was a man with a conscience.───虽然克莱不顾世俗, 有许多缺点, 许多毛病, 但是他却是个有良心的人.
Undoubtedly, he became the literary "heterodoxy" and was exiled beyond the center of literary field.───他无疑成了文学的“异端”而被放逐于文坛中心之外,在边缘独自徘徊。
company of heterodoxy, final meeting becomes his victim.───走旁门左道的企业,最终会成为自己的受害者。
Despite his heterodoxy, faults, and weaknesses, Clare was a man with a conscience.───尽管克莱尔相信异端学说,身上有种种缺点和弱点,他仍然是一个具有是非感的人。
He was already beginning to display quiet symptoms of heterodoxy.───当时,他已开始暗暗流露出叛离正统的迹象.