Hidden thoughts
隐怀───Hidden thoughts
You can build radiant health, success, and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind.───通过你意识隐藏的那个工作室(潜意识)中的想法,你能够营造容光满面的健康、成功、幸福。
images of ambiguous pictures, and asked to describe what they see. Responses are analyzed to discover the testee's hidden thoughts.───的人观看一些意义不明的图片,并让他们描述其所见,通过这些就可以分析出测验者的潜在想法。
The thoughts you believe are hidden are actually broadcast by your voices your facial expressions and your body language.───你坚信的那些想法,尽管你不表露出来,但是通过你的声音、你的面部表情、你的身体语言,事实上已经表达了出来。
Testees are shown images of ambiguous pictures, and asked to describe what they see. Responses are analyzed to discover the testee's hidden thoughts.