Without training, his musical talent remained latent.───由于未经训练, 他的音乐天赋未被发掘出来.
The virus latent in the body for many years.───这种病毒可以在体内潜伏多年.
Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.───广告试图传达一种隐藏在公开信息里的潜在意义。
At this stage there is a latent image which is not yet visible.───这一阶段便形成肉眼仍不可见的潜像.
We cannot find latent dangers.───我们无法发现潜在的危险.
Is it our latent tendency of attachment that is at fault?───是我们潜在的攀执外境的习气所造成的问题 吗 ?
Determine the latent defects of OLED by slight emission analysis method without damage.───在低于初始发光电压的驱动条件下,可以确定OLED的微小缺陷造成的漏电部位.
I want the progress that fishery produces, latent capacity 3 surface, development is in surface.───我要渔业生产的发展, 潜力三水面, 发展在水面.