His father died of cancer
She loved her father dearly.───她深深地爱着她的父亲。
My father sold real estate.───我父亲经营过房地产。
Her father forbade the marriage.───她的父亲不允许这桩婚事。
Later, her father left the family to return to New Zealand, leaving her mother to raise the children.───后来,她爸爸抛弃妻子返回了新西兰,留下她妈妈独自一人抚养孩子。
He grew up in suburban Pittsburgh, where his father hawked diamonds and his mom worked as a photographer.───他在匹兹堡市郊长大,在那里他的父亲兜售钻石,而他的母亲则是一位摄像师。
We used to be faithful about it, but since Father went away and all this war trouble unsettled us, we have neglected many things.───以前我们对此就无比虔诚,可是自从爸爸离开之后,又加上我们受到了这场战争的困扰,很多事情我们都忘到脑后了。