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His surname is Zhou




And LastName is the name of a valid column in the row associated with the current iteration of the data-driven test.───LastName是以下行中某个有效列的名称,该行与数据驱动的测试的当前迭代关联。

For each Author instance, the lastName should be set to the value of the last attribute on the name element.───对于每个Author实例,lastName应该设置为name元素上的last属性的值。

When a new user is created in Active Directory, the Full name field is always generated in FirstName LastName format.───在ActiveDirectory中创建新用户时,总是以FirstNameLastName格式生成全名字段。


The second case expression uses a wildcard for the firstName part of Person but matches against the constant string Neward in the lastName part and wildcards against the age part.

Its child nodes look for rows that exactly match (eq) the firstName and the lastName attributes.

Note that sorting by $artist/lastName before $artist/firstName is redundant, since the results all have the same last name value.

This method simply returns the firstName and lastName fields, concatenated with a space in between.

In Listing 8, you are passing the values of firstname, lastname, and office from the Employee bean into the transform statement.


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    随机交往笑话: 月月新娘
    黄教授在深圳创立了“黄夏”睾蝌妓人工膜公司。深圳那无处不在的“爱的手术,保证见红”大型霓虹牌就是“黄夏”公司的广告。开业半年,客满为患,从十三岁小姑娘到七十九岁老太太都从各地慕名前来求医。中央领导欣然题词:“天生一个仙人洞,暮色苍茫看劲松,血飞顿作倾盆雨,祖国山河一片红。”黄教授接受专访时说: “我公司是开放搞活的产物。大家都搞,搞破了就不好办了。为大家搞的动作能大一点,我公司就应运而生了。”黄教授顿了一下,点着一根“红塔山”,“我公司下一代产品已研制成功,我们采用仿生学最新成果,模仿壁虎断尾再生过程,‘她’有自动再生能力,每月一个周期,无论怎么搞,一月下来,完好如处。”黄教授激动地吟诵起主席的忆秦娥来:“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越,从头越,夜夜新娘,月月有血……”



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