Hold a sports meeting
Some scenes were filmed in slow motion.───几组镜头被拍成了慢动作。
He is eligible now to file a motion for a new trial.───他现在有资格提议重新进行审判。
He made a neat chopping motion with his hand.───他挥手做了一个干净利落的劈砍的动作。
Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall.───她那咄咄逼人的尖锐语调拉开了导致她垮台的事件的序幕。
The object is no longer in cyclical motion.───这物体已不再循环运动.
It is dangerous to lean out of the window while the bus is in motion.───行车时探身窗外是危险的.
She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.───她能感觉到脚下船在晃动.
The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.───提案以压倒多数通过.