Home is the warmest place
Nothing beats home cooking.───什么也比不上家里做的好吃。
We must decide between going home and staying at school during this winter vacation.───我们必须决定寒假期间是回家还是留在学校.
My mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home.───我每次回家,母亲总对我体贴备至.
He staggered home, drunk.───他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。
We arrived home at dusk.───我们于黄昏时分到家了。
As it happens, I have left the book at home.───我碰巧把书忘在家里了.
I'll race you home.───我和你比赛看谁先到家.
I like to bring my friends home to a warm welcome from my family.───我喜欢邀请朋友到家作客,并使他们受到家里人的热烈欢迎.