Happy father
I was gratified by their invitation.───他们的邀请,我感到很高兴。
We gratified our friend's curiosity.───我们满足了朋友的好奇心。
Mr. Dambar was gratified by his response.───他的答复使丹巴尔先生感到满意。
You appreciate the sunset, in the moment, remember think of me, this makes me feel gratified.───在你欣赏着落日那刻,记得想起我,这次会让我备感欣慰。
Mom Veronica Anderson was a bit more pragmatic and encouraged her to pursue whatever path gratified her most.───妈妈维罗尼卡·安德森则更现实一些,鼓励她去追求自己最喜爱的任何事业。
The desire to see, for the sake of seeing, with the mass, alone the one to be gratified, hence the delight in detail.───对于大多数人,单单是为了要看见而要远眺的愿望只是需要得到满足而已,因此,仅仅以能一睹细节为快。
His achievement gratified his.