Hard working people
We strive to raise the equipment is our pride!───我们努力做到大加的仪器是大家的骄傲!
We strive to have you verified and approved withing 48 hrs.───我们尽力让你在48小时内被核实并批准.
Those people continually strive after perfection, even though they know it's impossible to reach.───即使那些人知道无法达到完美, 他们还是尽力追求.
How shall we strive for final victory?───怎样争取最后胜利?
In developing the economy, we should strive to reach a higher level every few years.───我国的经济发展, 总要力争隔几年上一个台阶.
Don't strive merely for quantity of production.───在生产中不要单纯地追求数量.
Strive for progress, not perfection.───力争进步, 勿求完美.
He would in any case always strive to be calm and avoid demonstrative words or behaviour.───无论什么时候,他都尽可能地保持冷静,避免感情外露的言行.