Have a cup of tea
The timer/filter hold back the leaves and your cuppa is ready to sip!───定时器/过滤器可以阻止茶叶下落,你的茶就快可以细细啜饮了。
LL: If you don't want a cuppa Joe, then what are you going to order to drink?───我才不要“ a cuppa joe ”,我又不爱喝咖啡。
you fancy a cuppa?───你想来一杯茶吗?
We all so look forward to having a cuppa with you and swapping stories of our souls journey! ! !───偶们都期待与你们举杯庆祝,交换偶们各自灵魂经历地故事!!!!在爱中并谢谢!
Recent news that coffee may be correlated with a variety of positive health benefits only fuels my desire for a daily cuppa.───最近有新闻报道咖啡跟一系列有益健康有关,燃起了我每天喝一杯咖啡的兴趣。
Traditional uses of coca are not addictive and are as much part of Andean culture as a cuppa is in Britain or beer in Texas.───传统上对古柯叶的使用不会上瘾,正如英国的下午茶,德克萨斯州的啤酒一样,使用古柯叶是安第斯山文化的组成部分。