heretical beliefs
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.───信念的对立面不是异端, 而是冷漠.
Now here was a germ of heresy. Something to devote one's years to!───现在出现了异端的萌芽, 需要投入好多年去研究的东西!
We chose heresy to take a stand against the system that we created.───我们选择异端作为一种抵制我们所创造的体系的立场.
It was heresy of crackpots and wild men and it was really just an infantilism.───那是狂想家和过激分子的异端邪说的产物,实在不过是幼稚病而已.
Then Bernardo Gui accused me of heresy for having defended him.───于是博那多-桂以异端的罪名控告我,理由是我为那个人辩护.
He is intolerant of heresy.───他不容异端邪说.
Put like this It'sounds banal, though actually it's heresy.───听起来这好像是老一套, 但实际上,这是一种异端学说.
Bracey is saying is tantamount to heresy.───正在说的无异于异端邪说。
It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.