I heard the violin
On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.───举行舞会的那天晚上,莫林拉着小提琴,滑进了房间.
She plays the violin, I mean the viola, really well.───她的小提琴, 我是指中提琴, 的确拉得很好.
She persevered with her violin lessons.───她孜孜不倦地学习小提琴。
We to provide the permanent free repair and the debugging from this central purchase's violin.───我们对从本中心购买的小提琴提供永久性的免费修理和调试.
She can string a violin.───她会给小提琴上弦.
I can also play the violin and have won many prizes in the competitions.───我在竞争中可以也弹小提琴和赢取了许多奖.
She has toiled away at the violin for years.───她多年来苦练小提琴。
I remember an old joke asking about the difference between a violin and a cello.───我记得一个古老的笑话,讲述的是询问小提琴和大提琴之间的区别.
The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.
The cello is a member of the violin family.
The violinist tuned the violin.
A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.
I don't know how to play a violin.