I used to be thin
Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.───因患癌症濒临死亡的人会日渐消瘦,而且身体明显衰弱。
The coachman had a thin lash.───那马车夫有一根细长的鞭子.
Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over.───继续溯流而上,葡萄园开始淡去,柑橘园和杏树多了起来。
He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose.───他又瘦又高,长着鹰钩鼻。
Her legs were long and thin.───她两腿细长。
James's face was thin, finely boned, and sensitive.───詹姆斯面部瘦削,轮廓分明,容易过敏。
This gruel is too thin.───粥太稀了.
This cloth is so thin that you can pick a hole in it with your finger.───这块布料这么薄,用手指就能扎出个洞来.