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I am willing to help my classmates


愿意───be willing;同学───classmate


Be willing to do even mundane tasks.───即使平凡的工作也乐意承担。

But the likelihood is that people would be willing to pay if they were certain that their money was going to a good cause.───但如果人们确切知道自己的钱会用于做善事,他们就可能更愿意掏腰包。

He will be willing to tide us over.───他愿意帮助我们渡过难关.

We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group's work.───我们正寻找愿意协助该团体工作的人。

More new breed youngsters seem to be willing to see their parents take vacation without them.───许多新式儿童似乎乐意看到他们的父母撇下他们自个儿去度假.

Would I be willing to call on them to fortify their morale?───我是否愿意去看看他们,给他们打打气?


She will be willing to lay out 2000 dollars for a washing machine.

Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.

Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.

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随机交往笑话: 月月新娘
黄教授在深圳创立了“黄夏”睾蝌妓人工膜公司。深圳那无处不在的“爱的手术,保证见红”大型霓虹牌就是“黄夏”公司的广告。开业半年,客满为患,从十三岁小姑娘到七十九岁老太太都从各地慕名前来求医。中央领导欣然题词:“天生一个仙人洞,暮色苍茫看劲松,血飞顿作倾盆雨,祖国山河一片红。”黄教授接受专访时说: “我公司是开放搞活的产物。大家都搞,搞破了就不好办了。为大家搞的动作能大一点,我公司就应运而生了。”黄教授顿了一下,点着一根“红塔山”,“我公司下一代产品已研制成功,我们采用仿生学最新成果,模仿壁虎断尾再生过程,‘她’有自动再生能力,每月一个周期,无论怎么搞,一月下来,完好如处。”黄教授激动地吟诵起主席的忆秦娥来:“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越,从头越,夜夜新娘,月月有血……”



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