I'm reading Zuo Zhuan
I shall have to read up on this subject if I am to give a talk about it.───如果我准备做一次关于这课题的讲座,我就必须把它彻底研究一番.
I often read his column in the local paper.───我经常在当地的报纸上看到他的专栏文章.
The writer expurgated some parts from his novel when he read the third times.───作家第三次审稿时又删去了几部分.
you read the contract?───你看过这份合同了吗?
She read French and German at Cambridge University.───她在剑桥大学学习法语和德语。
When I read this article, thoughts thronged my mind and I couldn't sleep.───读了这篇文章后,我浮想联翩,夜不能寐.
In the fifth line, read " hurry " for " harry " .───在第5行中将harry改为 hurry.
The book is more satisfying if you read each chapter in sequence.───这本书依次读各章会更好.
This light is too dim to read by.
Your writing is hard to read.
He could barely read and write.
There are a couple more files to read first.
I can't read the doctor's writing.