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Innovation and entrepreneurship elite


创业───Start a business;精英───Elite


I chose to start a business.───我选择了创业。

We will buy a home. Start a business together.───我们将会买幢房子,一起做生意。

You need a business plan to start a business.───你需要有一个创业计划。

The bank says Egypt reduced the amount of money needed to start a business. Egypt also eased rules that used to delay building permits.───此外,埃及降低了创业注册资金的额度标准,还放宽政策改变过去一贯拖沓的执照办理规则。

Entrepreneurs chronically underestimate how much money they'll need to start a business.───初创企业家习惯于低估创业所需的资金。

Others are more like the captain, driven by an inner force to start a business and unwilling to take "no" for an answer.───另一部分人则更类似于Gopinath(戈皮纳思)上校,受某种内在力量驱使而创立起自己的事业,在面对困难时从不愿拿“不可能”作逃避的借口。


They think this is an easy route to start a business.

Should I go out on my own and start a business, or would the insecurity be unbearable?

But he needed a chance to start a business on that premise.

Start a business in your dorm room.

The business incubation is a kind of for start a business the ministrant organization.

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