Instrument measurement
The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.───专制者声称自己是上天选定的统治工具.
This instrument is highly sensitive.───这架仪器很灵敏.
He was made the instrument of another's crime.───他被迫成了另一个犯罪的工具了.
Play the piece as music and not as a struggle between yourself and your instrument.───要把这支乐曲演奏成音乐,不要听起来像你和乐器间的搏斗.
An instrument used to measure tactile sensitivity.───触觉测量计用来测量触觉的一种装置.
The compass is an instrument of navigation.───罗盘是导航仪器.
This instrument demands stringent specification.───这台设备要求高标准.
Her hands trembled slightly as she reached for the instrument.───她伸出手拿乐器时,手微微有些抖动.