It feels great
With these people he'd feel like a fish out of water.───与这些人在一起,他感到不自在.
Under the circumstances I feel it right that you should know.───在目前情况下,我觉得让你们知道是对的.
And the senstive observer of sculpture must learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence.───雕塑品的敏锐观赏家必须学会把形体当作形体去感觉, 而不当作描述或联想去感觉.
She didn't feel a bit nervous though it was the first time she'd spoken in public.───她虽是第一次当众讲话,却一点都不发慌.
I feel great today.───我今天感觉特别好。
People feel especially drawn to one another when they have been reunited after many years of separation.───久别重逢,格外亲切.
I feel sorry for not giving you a quick reply.───迟复为歉.
Treat this house as your own, feel free.───把这所房子当作你自己的好了, 放轻松.
No one can understand how I really feel.
When I do a good workout,( l feel fine.
I feel bad about the mistake.
Thank you for making me feel better.
The heat made him feel faint.