It will dance to the music
In his youth he was enamoured of music.───他年轻的时候酷爱音乐.
Put some music on to liven things up.───放些音乐活跃一下气氛吧.
The music captivated us.───音乐迷惑住我们.
I don't like music playing when I'm working. It puts me off.───我不喜欢工作时放音乐, 那会使我分心.
Music was blaring out from somewhere.───轰鸣的音乐从某处传出来.
He restored the music to the music stand.───他把乐谱放回到乐谱架上.
Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.───古典音乐一点也引不起我的兴趣, 我喜欢搖滾乐.
The music lingered in the air.───余音缭绕.