in public
当众───in public
In public he remained inscrutable.───在公开场合他一直是个谜。
Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.───禁止妓女在马路上和公共场所公然拉客。
They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.───他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。
Campbell dressed them down in public.───坎贝尔当众训斥了他们。
changes in public attitudes to marriage───公众对婚姻的看法的转变
She doesn't know how to behave in public.───她在公共场合举止无措。
The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.───共和国在公开场合非常隆重地宣布成立。
Inarticulate and rather shy, he had always dreaded speaking in public.───他不善言辞又相当害羞,一直害怕在公共场合讲话。