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he has no apples是什么意思_he has no apples的中文翻译 he has lunch at twelve是什么意思_he has lunch at twelve的中文翻译 he has lunch at school是什么意思_he has lunch at school的中文翻译 he has lunch at home是什么意思_he has lunch at home的中文翻译 he has long straight hair是什么意思_he has long straight hair的中文翻译 he has long straight brown hair是什么意思_he has long straight brown hair的中文翻译 he has long straight black hair是什么意思_he has long straight black hair的中文翻译 he has long nose with a hat是什么意思_he has long nose with a hat的中文翻译 he has long legs是什么意思_he has long legs的中文翻译 he has long hair是什么意思_he has long hair的中文翻译 he has long face是什么意思_he has long face的中文翻译 he has long ears是什么意思_he has long ears的中文翻译 he has long black hair是什么意思_he has long black hair的中文翻译 he has long arms是什么意思_he has long arms的中文翻译 he has lived here是什么意思_he has lived here的中文翻译 he has lived here since是什么意思_he has lived here since的中文翻译 he has lived here since eight years ago是什么意思_he has lived here since eight years ago的中文翻译 he has lived here for是什么意思_he has lived here for的中文翻译 he has lived here for ten years是什么意思_he has lived here for ten years的中文翻译 he has little money是什么意思_he has little money的中文翻译 he has left for london是什么意思_he has left for london的中文翻译 he has got strong legs是什么意思_he has got strong legs的中文翻译 he has got a train是什么意思_he has got a train的中文翻译 he has got a new house是什么意思_he has got a new house的中文翻译 he has got a new book是什么意思_he has got a new book的中文翻译 he has got a mobile phone是什么意思_he has got a mobile phone的中文翻译 he has got a dog是什么意思_he has got a dog的中文翻译 he has got a cold是什么意思_he has got a cold的中文翻译 he has got a cat是什么意思_he has got a cat的中文翻译 he has got a car是什么意思_he has got a car的中文翻译

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随机数学笑话: 数学笑话第二篇

郭文是个大妙人,但他酸酒如命,每次喝酒,非整瓶不欢。一天,他又喝得半醉了。他太太埋怨他已足足喝掉整瓶酒。 郭文闻言,微睁醉眼,一手拿起空瓶,一面摇头摆脑地说:"半瓶美酒,悲观者视之为空了一半,但乐观者却视为满了一半。无论悲观也好,乐观亦好,总是-----1/2瓶满的酒=1/2瓶空的酒。然而,代数法则有云,用同一常数乘以等式两边,其值不变。那麽,以2乘上式便得----1瓶满的酒=1瓶空的酒。由此而得,刚才你说我喝足一瓶满的酒岂不是说我根本没有喝酒吗?"


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