await eagerly the order for
Part Three: The Sino - Russia controversy is representative of pinko dogmatism.───第三 部分 、中苏大论战是左倾教条主义的典型.
to the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a Californian maker of solar panels which had received lots of federal money, as proof that renewable energy is a wasteful pinko pipe-dream.───得到大笔联邦贷款却以破产谢幕。 在他们眼里,这足以证明可再生能源只会浪费金钱,是鸽派政客的春秋大梦。
Many viewers doubted it, claiming "Pinko Cronkite" helped to push the country to the left and lose the war in Vietnam.───很多观众却对这一点表示质疑,称他为“左倾的克朗凯特”,说他将美国推向左倾并帮助结束了越战。
Everyone else is a pinko communist or heathen.───其他所有人要么是左倾共产主义者,要么就是异教徒。
Italian brand the first thing PINKO More or leather, but also eye-catching debut on the 14th of this month.───意大利品牌的第一件事PINKO更多或皮革,而且还醒目的本月14日亮相。