Yes, Matchmaker li urged, this was a marriage sure to benefit both families.───的确,像李媒婆所敦促的,这是一桩有利于两家的好姻缘。
Some friends played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner.───一些朋友牵线搭桥,邀请我们两人都去赴宴。
I am a professional matchmaker, and here's what I know.───我是一个职业媒人,在此把我所知倾囊相送。
As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man.───作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂·斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。
Matchmaking is one of her favorite hobbies. She takes great pleasure in acting as a matchmaker.───她特别喜欢给人介绍对象。
An online talent scout, Plentitube is trying to become a middleman of the new media, a matchmaker for the YouTube generation.───作为在线人才星探,Plentitube力图成为新媒体的经纪人,YouTube一代的媒人。
Once a deal was struck between matchmaker and the parents, the girl had to stay at home until her
The receptionist was a real matchmaker.
Some friends played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner.
Matchmaker No problem. I have an idea.
Kirstein was an artistic matchmaker in the manner of Diaghilev, bringing together choreographers, composers and visual artists.