He received many teachings of Mahamudra, including all the oral pith instructions from the 16 th Karmapa.───他自第十六世大宝法王处领受了许多大手印法教, 包含了所有的口诀心要.
Judging from its appearance, it must be the pith.───这株植物从外观上看应该是通草.
Moist pith of farls of bread, the frog green wormwood, her matin incense , court the air.───燕麦粉面包那湿润的芯, 蛙青色的苦艾酒, 她那清晨的馨香向空气献着殷勤.
Wash eggplants. Cut off both ends . Cut into half horizontally . Remove the seeds and pith.───制法:1.茄子以清水洗净, 切去头部及尾部, 纵切为二,去瓢.
Major Shairpe, much spruced up and wearing a pith helmet , arrived on the dot of nine.───谢普少校打扮得整洁多了,戴着一顶编织着木髓的钢盔, 正好九点来到.
Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into 4mm slices.───鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。
Wash eggplants. Cut off . Cut into horizontally . Remove the seeds and pith.───茄子以清水洗净, 切去头部及尾部,纵切为二,去瓢.
Don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white, stringy stuff.───不用把全部的果皮都吃掉,只留住中果皮就可以了,就是果皮中白白的那层。