Remember us
Can you remember where he lives?───你记得他住在哪里 吗 ?
I remember a lot of things.───我记得很多事情。
Viewers will remember the dashing hero, Dirk, risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons.───观众不会忘记风度翩翩的男主角德克冒着生命危险把达芙妮从恶龙爪下救出的情形。
Remember to keep things in perspective.───记住要客观看待事物。
I did remember, but only dimly.───我的确记得,只是记不太清楚了。
Please remember me to your parents.───请代我向你父母问候.
I'll sure remember this trip!───我绝不会忘记这次旅行!
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.───纪念安息日,守为圣日。
Remember thou are but a man.
You wouldn't remember me. I was in another group.
I can't remember any more-I must have lost consciousness.
Remember to hold your tongue in the.
It's funny how people always remember him.