Bandage it
Give me a bandage for an abrasion.───我擦伤了,给我绷带.
We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee.───我们在他的膝盖上涂了些药膏,还缠了一条绷带。
Gouge bandage is extremely useful.───凿击+绷带很有效.
He unwound the bandage from his ankle.───他将绷带从脚踝上解开.
The bandage must be put on when the blister breaks.───水疱一旦破了就必须用绷带包扎起来。
She wound a bandage round my wounded arm.───她用绷带包扎我受伤的手臂.
Don't tie the bandage too tight.───绷带不要扎得太紧.
Cover the burned area with a bandage that will not stick to the skin.───用干而清洁又不粘皮肤的绷带把烧伤面包起来.
Wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.
She wound a bandage round my wounded arm.
I twisted the bandage round her knee.
The injured arm was bound by bandage.
We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee.