Body rest
体息───Body and breath;体息───Body and breath
Yoga seeks to bring harmony across all levels of our existence, from the body, breath, mind, spirit, etc., and unite them in harmony.───瑜伽旨在把和谐带入我们存在的各个层次,从身体,呼吸,头脑和心灵等,并以和谐的方式将他们统一。
When body, breath, speech and mind are broken from each other and scattered in concept and strategy, then no true action can reveal itself.───当身体、呼吸,言语和心灵互相影响,然后只剩下想法和策略时,没有什么真正的行动可以不言而喻。
You simply note the rising and falling of your breath, and focus on the parts of your body where you feel your breath, whether it's in the lungs, tip of your nose or elsewhere.───你只需注意你呼吸的起伏,将注意力集中到正在感受呼吸的身体部位,无论是肺部,鼻尖还是其他地方。
Whenever you find yourself hypnotized by an identification with a trait or an attitude, sense the presence of your body and breath.───无论何时,当你发现自己由于认同于某种境况或者态度而被“催眠”的时候,去感知你身体和呼吸的当下存在。
Training your mind, body, and breath, as well as connecting with your spirituality, are the main goals of the yoga lifestyle.───训练你的思想、身体、呼吸,同时联系着你的精神性,这才是瑜伽的主要目标。