Because I tried
What payout period on investment should we strive for?───什么赢钱期投资要争取?
Budgets represent targets that are intended to motivate managers to strive to achieve the organization's objectives.───预算是一种目标,可激励经理去努力实现公司的目标.
World in our hands, as long as we strive to.───世界在我们手中, 只要我们努力.
We strive to raise the equipment is our pride!───我们努力做到大加的仪器是大家的骄傲!
The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.───科学家们力争在癌症研究方面有个突破.
Most people strive for wealth.───人们大都追求财富.
I value individuality, and strive to meet the needs of each student.───我很注重教学的个性化, 力求满足不同学生的不同需求.
Newspaper editors all strive to be first with a story.───报纸编辑都力争率先报道。