The ball is under the table
球───The Ball;桌子───Table
He fielded the ball expertly.───他熟练地把球接住了。
The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society.───好莱坞的大牌影星们出席了那个舞会。
Compton was sending the ball here, there, and everywhere with each stroke.───康普顿一会将球打到这里,一会打到那里,每一拍的落点都不同。
The ball was uncontrollable.───球控制不住了。
When we are fielding, the umpires keep looking at the ball.───我们防守的时候,裁判们一直看着球。
I went to kick the ball and I completely missed it.───我去踢球却踢了个空。
I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.───我干脆利落地击球,命中了目标。
He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents.───他将球直接打进迎宾帐篷里。
The ball bounced high and she missed it.
He batted the ball high into the air.
He tossed the ball to Anna.
The dog retrieved the ball from the water.
Black kicked/headed the ball into/towards the goal.