Flexible setup actions, then the Timer stop counting at zero.───灵活设置行动的话, 计时器停止计数为零.
If you call it with an interval value of zero, the timer will deactivate.───如果你设置它的值为零, 则定时器将不起作用.
Delaytimer, humidistat & delay electronic timer models are available.───拉线开关型, 延时定时器型、湿度探测型供用户选用安装.
As you turn the timer dial, the beak lowers the tea the hot water.───当你旋转定时器的转盘时, 鸟嘴会降低,而茶叶袋也会浸入杯中.
The heater is on a timer switch.───加热器连在一个定时开关上.
Configuration are based on c 8051 f 310 the io interrupt timer configuration For beginners, beginners this microcontroller.───基于c8051f310的io配置还有中断定时器配置用于初学者, 入门这款单片机.
Once sending a segment, TCP sets a timer and waits for the ACK.───每发出一个报文段, TCP就设定一个定时器并等待确认信息.
If there was ever a bookmark that actually reduced your unproductive nature, it is Tick Tock Timer.───如果曾经有那么一个书签,真的减弱了你低产的本性,那么它是定时器。