A vanity press published his novel but only a few copies were sold.───一家由作者自负出版费用的出版社出版了他的小说,但仅卖出了几本.
It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor.───显然,向一个孤儿的救济表示感谢,伤到了他的虚荣心.
Vanity is the great flaw in the character of many women.───爱慕虚荣是很多女性性格中的重大缺陷.
I have got a lot of time for people who are prepared to put the welfare of their party above their own vanity.───我很钦佩那些不计个人名利,以政党的利益为重的人。
Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help passing by in a beautiful vessel.───随后,爱决定向乘坐着漂亮巨轮的虚荣求助,爱护喊道:“虚荣,请救救我! ”
Normal coning is less a treatment for infertility than a treatment for vanity.───正常的克隆不是为了治疗不孕,到是满足了虚荣.
But vanity was stronger.───可是,虚荣心毕竟更有力量.
His vanity increased with years.───他的虚荣心随着年龄增长而增加.