We often play football there
踢足球───play football;经常───often
Let's play football together.───让我们一起踢足球吧。
We play football after school.───放学后我们踢足球。
It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.───在战争期间人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。
Maybe forty yards. I could kick the ball fifty yards. Yeah, but I hurt my shoulder and I can't play football anymore.───大约四十码。我可以踢五十码。嗯,但后来我的肩膀受伤了,现在已经不能再玩橄榄球了。
You can be poor and play football in the street with a little ball made out of, out of, out of, out of. . . newspapers, you know?───的一部分。你可以是穷人和在街上玩足球与开出了一个小球,出,出,出…报纸,你知道吗?
Those two lads have had a bit of luck at the moment, being in the right place at the right time and being able to play football.───这两个小盆友运气不错,在对的时间对的地点碰上了对的俱乐部,恰巧他们又都会踢球。
We're going to play football after school.
The boys wanted to play football.
We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.
I've had an idea. We could play football!
We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.