Wash the white clothes together, and the blue one separately.───那些白衣服放在一起洗, 这件蓝的要单洗.
Every case he had was already stuffed with clothes.───他所有的箱子都塞满了衣服.
Please send clothes to the laundry.───请把这些衣物送往洗衣店.
You can soak out most marks in this special cleaning liquid if you leave the clothes in it long enough.───只要把衣服在这种特殊的洗涤剂中浸泡一段时间,大部分污垢就可以泡掉.
Damp clothes iron easily.───湿衣服容易熨平.
My clothes are damp from the rain.───我的衣服被雨水打湿了.
I feel so free without those tight clothes.───脱去这些紧身衣服我感到浑身轻快.
My clothes are drenched with sweat.───衣服都溻了.
I immerse my clothes in the water.
Clothes maketh the man.
She disguised herself in man's clothes.
He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.
The British guards searched his clothes.