They will ask you to sign a declaration allowing your doctor to disclose your medical details.───他们将要求你签署一份允许医生透露你的身体健康状况的书面声明。
Most who disclose revengeful motives marry the punishment that follows.───大多数人,报复动机暴露了,得到随之而来的惩罚.
However, he will be at market and did not disclose their own master data.───不过, 他在会场上并没有透露自己掌握的数据.
The Policyholder is duly authorized by employees to disclose, release or transfer the information to us.───举凡所提供, 发放或转交给本公司之雇员资料均适当地由被保雇员授权.
Will you disclose the whole?───你愿不愿意自己和盘托出?
I have no intention of disclose their name.───我不想透露他们的姓名.
He refused to disclose details of the specific details of the mortgage.───他拒绝透露房贷细则具体内容.
However, he refused to disclose how new technology to bypass the traditional call system.───但他拒绝透漏新技术如何绕过传统呼叫系统.
Science can disclose the mysteries of nature.