S. government called the attack " a despicable act for which there is no excuse. "───美国政府称袭击是 “ 没有任何理由的卑鄙行径 ”.
Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.───至少让我们看到法庭惩罚这些十恶不赦的罪犯以儆效尤。
Future generations will revile her. In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor.───在美国, 她是一个毫无荣誉可言的可耻叛徒.
They all exist and despicable one side.───他们都存在着极其丑恶的一面.
It is despicable to desert your children.───你抛弃你的孩子是卑劣的.
I'm not that mean, despicable, cowardly, lewd creature that horrible little man sees.───我可不是那个令人恶心的小人所见到的下流 、 可耻 、 懦弱 、 淫秽的家伙.
People who tell lie is always look upon as despicable.───说慌的人总是被视为可鄙的.
The despicable are ever'safe ".───卑贱的人总是 “ 安全的 ”.