This bootlicker is really despicable as he is always stabbing others in the back.───这个佞人,专门背后整人,真是卑鄙.
Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.───至少让我们看到法庭惩罚这些十恶不赦的罪犯以儆效尤。
Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.───让我们至少看到我们的法庭严惩卑鄙的罪犯们以示儆戒。
truly despicable was the deafening silence maintained by the candidates concerning the riots.───真正可鄙的是这些侯选人对暴乱所持的缄默态度。
They all exist and despicable one side.───他们都存在着极其丑恶的一面.
Ingratitude is a despicable vice.───忘恩负义是可鄙的不道德行为.
The mentality of these country people is despicable.───这里人们的心理状态真是太差了.
But now, for no reason, I am the fucking worst, most despicable Antichrist of comedy.───时过境迁, 没有原因.我是他妈最坏的最卑鄙的反基督喜剧演员.