Slowly inhale and exhale, extending your spine, for 2 to 3 minutes.───慢慢吸气呼气, 伸展脊椎, 动作持续2到3分钟.
If not, take a deep breath, as you exhale, release all that negativity with your breath.───如果不, 那么深吸一口气, 并随着呼气将所有的消极情绪一起释放掉.
While the cheeks are still puffed, begin to exhale through the mouth and empty the lungs.───当面腮仍然放松时, 开始通过嘴部出气并清空肺部.
Exhale as you bend forward and rest your forehead on the floor.───吸气时,向前伸屈,将额头放在地上休息.
Standing upright, exhale as you bring the palms together at the chest in the Prayer position.───01站立, 一边吐气一边把双手放到胸前合掌.
We have left, right nose, is that the same for inhale and exhale?───我们有左边 、 右边鼻孔, 吸气、吐气时有没有一样?
Again backbend as you inhale , and as you exhale.───重复吸气展开, 呼气扭转的动作.
Exhale, jump back, press down, elbow close.───呼气, 重心在手上,向后跳, 往下压, 胳膊肘往内.
Hold your breath for a moment and exhale.