The erotic is more of the imagination part.───厄洛斯的更类似于想象力的那部分。
The growth of sexual awareness can be most easily attained through erotic fantasies.───两性意识的成长最简单的途径是通过性幻想.
Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion.───在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲.
This may include a hot bath beforehand, an erotic massage or even just a good workout.───可以先来个热水澡, 再按摩挑逗,或者干脆先试试看.
Erotic paintings also became a fine art.───色情画也变成了一种艺术。
The sidewise look and a pull at the beard expressed concurrence with a naughty erotic taste.───他眼光朝旁边一瞟,捋了捋胡子,同时装出一副色迷迷的轻薄相.
There were some overtly erotic scenes in the film.───影片中有一些公开色情场面.
Pisces'sexuality can bring out the erotic side in you.───双鱼座的性欲可以激发你野性的一面.
There were some overtly erotic scenes in the film.